This year, the Tokyo Game Show 2021 will be held online once again. The organizers of the Tokyo Game Show (TGS), revealed that this year’s event will be held completely online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Tokyo Game Show 2021- Overview
Tokyo Game Show 2021 will take place between September 30th, 2021, and October 3rd, 2021. This year’s theme will be “Still, we have games.” TGS will be celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, and it aims to recreate the convention from the perspective of the future of video games.
One of the most unique aspects of this year’s event is that, unlike the past 25 years, this edition will have translated content in ENGLISH on all official event live streams.
Previously the main language of the event has been Japanese with no translation. TGS will also hold a PRESS ONLY physical event at Chiba’s Makuhari Messe. Game influencers and Journalists have the possibility of networking and playing games apart from giving interviews in person.
Through virtual activities during the actual event, fans can almost experience being a part of a physical event. Featured Game demos during TGS will be available to play for free, from your home. A special collaboration with Amazon will allow the audience to purchase TGS products available on Amazon in real-time.
Tokyo Game Show – Exhibitors List
The list of exhibitors for TGS will be announced on August 20. As of now, the organizers have not revealed the participating companies’ list yet. Last year’s TGS had participation from SEGA, Bandai Namco, Square Enix, PUBG, etc. You can find the entire list here.
For Indian Gaming Companies
If you are an Indian Gaming company and wish to showcase your games and participate at TGS, you can find the entire Exhibitors’ details here. If you would like to receive any support with your application or wish to have a team from Japan to guide you, do drop us an email at to discuss possible collaboration opportunities.