VTuber Hyakuki Ayame (Holo Live) gets a new look!

VTuber Hyakuki Ayame from Holo Live has a new costume to watch out for! VTubers are taking online content creation to the next level, by changing the way people look, sound, and act. Ayame’s costume makes us look forward to the overall VTube experience on her channels.

VTuber Hyakuki Ayame from Holo Live

Designed by Nana Kagura, Hyakuki Ayame is a kimono demon girl who attends the Makai School. She likes mischievous things, and often breathes demon fire and makes fun of others. Interestingly, she is also the student council president.

For those who aren’t in the loop, Holo live is Vtuber Group own by Cover Corp. They are an interactive idol group that engages with the audience on Twitter, Youtube, or other media interactions while using 2D or 3D avatars.

Who are VTubers?

A VTuber is a made-up word coined together from the phrase “virtual YouTuber.” It’s the term for a type of online content creator who uses a virtual avatar while streaming to their audience. VTubers are mostly on streaming and video sharing platforms like Twitch and YouTube. Even though the majority of VTubers have originated in Japan with content in Japanese, VTubers are developing a massive fanbase thanks to the popularity of Anime culture across the globe.

Today, there are even tools available that can transform you into a VTuber.

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