Whenever we read any comic book, there are times when certain art styles catch our eye. And there are some of us who have the gift of drawing and we try to re-create these characters or try and come up with our own original ones. So, why keep this talent hidden? Bring it out in the upcoming manga competition!
Kitakyushu International Manga Competition fostering future manga artists
Calling all manga artists, there is a yonkoma or 4 panel manga competition. This competition is divided in the Junior Division (Age 12 or under) and the General Division. For Junior Division, the theme is ‘water’. For the General Division, you can choose your own topic! All of these have to be your own, unpublished works.
The deadline for this is September 30th 2018. For more details, check the website.

Here a little input on what is a yonkoma or 4 panel. It is a comic strip with four panels of equal size as the name states. These panels are in a top to bottom order. The usual genre is that of comedy more specifically like a gag manga. The format is like the below picture:

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to start racking your creative minds and let your pencil loose on the paper! In addition, those send the 4 panel manga to us of Super Sugoii, we will select the best ones and put them up on our website. Wishing all the upcoming manga artists the very best!