Kodansha, a titan in the manga publishing world renowned for producing legendary series like Attack on Titan, Sailor Moon, and Akira, has taken a bold new step with its latest release. India Calling Me Now marks the first-ever manga to intertwine the rich cultural tapestry of India with the vibrant storytelling of Japanese manga, a groundbreaking venture launched simultaneously in both Japan and India.
Unveiling “India Calling Me Now”: A Journey Beyond Borders
“India Calling Me Now” is not just a manga; it’s an exploration into uncharted territory. Created by the talented Terako Shima, this series introduces us to Natsume Kanazawa, a 28-year-old manga artist who finds her life veering into an unexpected lane following a life-changing proposal from her boyfriend, Jin, to move to India.
As Natsume navigates through the complex interplay of love and cultural differences, she remains committed to her passion for art, making the story relatable and inspiring. From the colorful panels that depict the bustling streets of Delhi to the heartfelt moments of self-discovery, every page is a testament to the transformative power of new experiences and the universal language of art.
A Cultural Odyssey at Delhi and Bengaluru Comic Cons
“India Calling Me Now” transcends the confines of its pages by bringing its characters and stories to life at major Indian events such as the Delhi and Bengaluru Comic Cons. Terako Shima, the manga artist behind this captivating series, not only shared her creative process through live drawing sessions but also connected with fans during an unforgettable signing event.
The enthusiastic reception at Bengaluru Comic Con 2023 highlighted the growing affinity towards manga and anime in India. The event turned into a cultural phenomenon, illustrating the deep connections and mutual appreciation between Indian and Japanese pop cultures.
Media Buzz and Fanfare
The launch of “India Calling Me Now” created a media frenzy in India, with numerous outlets covering the significant impact of this cultural fusion. The enthusiasm displayed by the Indian audience is a robust indicator of the manga’s potential to bridge diverse worlds through storytelling and artistic expression.
Experience “India Calling Me Now”
For those eager to embark on Natsume’s journey, “India Calling Me Now” is available for reading on Manga This platform not only hosts the manga but also serves as a gateway to exploring more about the characters, the story’s backdrop, and the unique elements that make this manga a pioneering work in the industry.
With “India Calling Me Now,” Kodansha continues to reinforce its status as a leader in the manga publishing industry, proving that stories can indeed transcend geographical and cultural boundaries to touch the hearts of a global audience. This manga is not just a story; it’s a vibrant journey that invites readers to explore, laugh, and perhaps change their perspectives, one colorful panel at a time.