Go on a hunt wherever you want, whenever you want in MONSTER HUNTER RISE, which has surpassed 5 Million units globally! Freely explore sweeping landscapes inspired by ancient Japan, slay ferocious wild monsters solo or co‑operatively with friends, and forge powerful weapons and armor from your spoils in this sprawling action RPG.
There’s much to learn if you want to become a top hunter, and the best way to learn is to play with others, especially if they already know their stuff!
Watch a MONSTER HUNTER RISE veteran and beginner take on Magnamalo
Over at IGN, veteran hunter Casey DeFreitas took Stevie Coales under her wing as the duo took on the fearsome Magnamalo. Check out how they got on in the sponsored video below and pick up some tips for yourself!
Guide: Rampage
MONSTER HUNTER RISE features a brand new quest type called Rampage. Kamura is under threat from the Rampage and you must protect the village from incoming monsters! Check out the some hints and tips below!
Setting up Hunting Installations
The monsters in Rampage will attack in hordes, allowing you some time to create a plan of your strategy and set up your defenses. Throughout the stronghold, you’ll find several Installation Platforms where you can set up a varied arsenal of Hunting Installations such as Cannons and Ballistae!

Types of Monsters in Rampage
The monsters in Rampage have icons above them, which gives you a clue on how best to counter them. Monsters with the blue icon focus their attacks on barricades and gates so must be dealt with quickly, otherwise, they’ll breakthrough! Those with the red icon are especially aggressive towards hunters so watch out for their attacks as you try to defend your gates. Monsters with green icons shoot projectiles from afar and can do a lot of damage if you don’t get rid of them fast!

Rampage tips
Successfully repelling monsters and completing side quests will allow you to level up your stronghold, gain access to better installations and earn better rewards.
Once the counter signal is activated your hunter will receive a huge boost in attack power. That’s your cue to draw your weapon and jump into action!

The Warriors of Kamura can help!
The Warriors of Kamura can also chip in and assist you in defending against the Rampage! Some may attack monsters directly, while others may boost the abilities of your other installations. However, they can only be called upon once per quest so be sure to call them in at the right time.

Playing together with friends
Whether your allies are nearby or far away, up to four players can join forces locally* or online** to take part in a Rampage Quest! Discover more about the benefits of playing together in our MONSTER HUNTER RISE multiplayer guide.

*Local multiplayer requires one console and one copy of the software per player.
**Internet connection required during online play. To use online services, you must create a Nintendo Account and accept the related agreement. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies. Some online services may not be available in all countries. Online play requires paid online membership. Find out more about the paid membership subscription.
Source: nintendo.co.uk