Kodansha’s, Cells at Work! have released the videos of their special edition motion comics. “Novel Coronavirus” & “Preventing Novel Coronavirus Infection” give us detailed insights into the pandemic and virus prevention methods.

Before we start talking about the comics, let’s dig deep into the concept of “Motion comics”
These are notable edition comic panels that are “animated” through the addition of pans and zooms. That is to say, you can read these comics with a special soundtrack, character portrayal, voices, music, and special effects. Moreover, motion comics are a colorful, buzzword-filled way to turn reading material into something you can watch. These comics are often available on the trendy viewing devices of a computer, mobile phone, or tablet.
As best examples, you can watch these two special episodes of Novel Coronavirus and Preventing Novel Coronavirus Infection released on Youtube on 18th June 2021.
Cells at Work! “Novel Coronavirus” & “Preventing Novel Coronavirus Infection” Motion Comics
Novel Coronavirus
What happens to our bodies when it contracts the novel coronavirus?
This story shows us how white blood cells, red blood cells, and all the other cells in the immune system defend the body. In addition, it tells us how they fight against the virus by revealing its mechanisms and spreading understanding.
“Novel Coronavirus” by: Akane Shimizu
Credits: ©Akane Shimizu / Kodansha

Preventing Novel Coronavirus Infection
How does wearing a mask, washing your hands, and avoiding the Three Cs (Closed Spaces, Crowded Places, Close-Contact Conversations) help keep the body safe?
This is an important story that shows infection prevention from the viewpoints of our beloved cells.
“Preventing Novel Coronavirus Infection”
Illustration by: Meku Kaire,
Supervised by: Akane Shimizu
Credits: ©Akane Shimizu / Kodansha

Cells at Work! Comics
Did you know, that in one human body, there are roughly 37 trillion cells? Surely there is a lot of work to maintain the sheer number of cells!
When viruses or bacteria invade the human body, or when the body is injured, allergic reactions occur.
Cells at Work! is a story that focuses on the anthropomorphic white and red blood cells hidden deep underneath the human skin, working behind the scenes to maintain the human body!
This June the “Novel Coronavirus” chapter will be released along with the final volume of the series in the United States.
Now the new extra story, “Preventing Novel Coronavirus Infection” (by Meku Kaire) will also appear alongside the previous chapter on YouTube for free as a special Motion Comic!
About the Project
As we all know that the novel coronavirus has spread across the world. With over one hundred seventy million infected there is no end in sight any time soon.
Kodansha, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan, has created two new episodes to the famous anthropomorphic manga, Cells at Work!, “Novel Coronavirus” and “Preventing Novel Coronavirus Infection”.
Supported by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), these two chapters have been recreated in English as a motion comic.

There are two episodes created to show our appreciation for all of the front-line medical workers fighting against the virus and to deepen the understanding of the novel coronavirus across the world. Amid this pandemic, we hope that through every one of our efforts, we as humans can come together and overcome this.
Medical Supervisor/ M.D., Ph.D. Satoshi Kutsuna (National Center for Global Health and Medicine)
These are enlightening videos to watch and share and support the initiative. The team will also release the Hindi-translated version of these videos that we are excited about!