When you are passionate about a genre that is quite niche and yet believe and have faith in it’s potential, uplifting experiences matter a lot.
The Super Sugoii Team had recently visited the city of Bengaluru in India for an event called Japan Habba; an affair that is dedicated towards promoting the Japanese culture in India. It was a delight for the team to have been a part of the event accompanied by the team of Manga Planet India.
During our stay, we were pulled into an experience quite unexpected. A remarkable meeting with the Consul General of Japan in Bengaluru, Mr. Takayuki Kitagawa ascertained our faith in the genre of Pop Culture. And before we left the room a project called ‘Cosplay Walk’ was envisioned. The core purpose of the Manga Planet Cosplay Walk 2018 which is sponsored by the brand Manga Planet, a Publishing Company in Japan; hosted by the Consulate General of Japan in Bengaluru and powered by Super Sugoii and The St. Mark’s Hotel is to promote International Tourism in India through the power of Pop-Culture.
St. Mark’s Road in Bengaluru
It is undeniably a strong and unique vision. The Consul General Mr. Kitagawa who himself has cosplayed at multiple occasions; a fact quite fantastic for a person of his stature; has good faith towards this genre. He at a point had even drawn comparison between the Harajuku Street in Japan and the St. Mark’s Road in Bengaluru and believes that in the future there is a potential of Bengaluru having a street similar to the most popular Pop-culture street in the world.

The Manga Planet Cosplay Walk 2018 has been planned specifically keeping the Cosplayers comfort and experience in mind. The overall event is scheduled to start with a Cosplay Photo shoot followed by the Cosplay Walk that will be covered by the Media from India and Japan. After the walk all the Cosplayers and selected few Anime and Manga Lovers will get to be a part of a Conference with the Press along with companies from Japan and the team of Consulate General of Japan followed by food and refreshments.
Are you interested in this genre?
We can find no better way for a Japanese Popular culture loving Otaku to spend a fun Sunday evening! Cosplayers who are yet to register themselves for this event can click on the below link and register today.
Manga Planet Cosplay Walk’18
Date: 18th March 2018, Sunday
Venue: St. Mark’s Hotel and St. Mark’s Road, Bengaluru
Event Itinerary*
1.00 pm – 3.00 pm : Cosplay Photo Shoot
3.00 pm – 3.30 pm : Cosplay Walk
3.30 pm – 4.00 pm : Press Conference
4.00 pm – 5.00 pm : Networking
Japanese Popular Culture Lovers who are not cosplaying and are interested in being a part of the event will
be sent a confirmation mail about their entry on the basis of seat availability via email by 9 March 2018.
for more details

*(Event Itinerary subjected to change without prior notice)